The lips are relaxed and slightly parted.
- This vowel doesn't exist in Spanish and may be difficult for you to hear and pronounce.
- Is a short and quick sound. You shouldn't feel any tension and your lips barely move during its production.
- Lees frequents spelling patterns for [Ʌ] consist of the letters "ou", "oo", "oe" and "a".
Examples of /Ʌf/
uncle /Ʌncle/
does /dɅs/
but /bɅt/
love /lɅve/
If you want learn more and practice that you have learned, this game will help you to improve your skills.
Phoneme [Ʌ]
Select the foods pronounced with the phoneme [Ʌ].
Martini - Wine - Rum Punch
Gazpacho - French Onion - Clam Chowder
Hearts of Lettuce - Caesar -Tomato and Cucumber
Italian Bread - Hot Muffins - Garlic Rolls
Pumpkin Pie - Vanilla Pudding - Ice Cream
Coffee - Milk - Cup of Tea
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