miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

Phoneme /OU/

Phoneme /OU/

The lips are tense and very round.

  • [OU] is a diphthong. It begins with [O] and and ends with [U]

  • The phoneme [OU] is actually longer and more prolonged than Spanish "ó".

  • The frequent spellings patterns for [OU] is the letters "o", "oa", "ow", "oe" and "ou".

Examples          only     /OUnly/
                         both     /bOUth/
                            go     /gOU/


When "o"is in a syllabe ending in silent "e", the letter "o" is pronounced [OU]. Examples: phone, note, home.

The lettters "oa" are usually pronounced [OU]. Examples: coal, boat, toaster.

The letter "o" followed by "ld" is usually pronounced [OU]. Examples: cold, old, soldier.

If you want learn more and practice that you have learned, this game will help you to improve your skills.

Phoneme [OU]

Organize the word

  • Olny  →   

  • Onace   → 

  • Baot  →         

  • Kwon  →   

  • Sekop   →   

  • Sohw  →   

  • Hemo  →   

  • Sapo  →  

  • Towhr  →    

  • Soluherd  →  

The order of the words are: only, ocean, boat, know, spoke, show, home, soap, throw, shoulder.

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