The lips are spread and unround.
- [eI] is pronounced the same way as the Spanish letters "ei" or "ey"
- Spanish key words "ley", "rey", "viente."
- Les frequent spelling patterns for [eI] consist of the letters "ea", "ey", "ei", "a", "ai", "ay" and "eigh".
Examples ate /eIt
same /seIm/
way /weI/
late /leIt/
wait /weIt/
day /deI/
eight /eIght/
If you want learn more and practice that you have learned, this game will help you to improve your skills.
If you want learn more and practice that you have learned, this game will help you to improve your skills.
Phoneme [eI]
Identify the syllabe that corresponds to the
phoneme [ eI ]
1 2
- la- te ______
1 2
- la-dy _______
1 2
- rai -se _______
1 2
- neigh -bor ______
1 2
- pla -ce ______
1 2
- A -pril _______
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