lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Phoneme /eI/

Phoneme /eI/
The lips are spread and unround.

  • [eI] is pronounced the same way as the Spanish letters "ei" or "ey"

  • Spanish key words "ley", "rey", "viente."

  • Les frequent spelling patterns for [eI] consist of the letters "ea", "ey", "ei", "a", "ai", "ay" and "eigh".

Examples       ate    /eIt
                   same    /seIm/
                    way    /weI/
                     late    /leIt/
                    wait    /weIt/
                     day    /deI/
                   eight    /eIght/     

If you want learn more and practice that you have learned, this game will help you to improve your skills.

Phoneme [eI]

Identify the syllabe that corresponds to the 

phoneme [ eI ]

           1     2
  • la- te ______
1 2
  • la-dy _______
            1      2 
  • rai -se _______

1 2
  • neigh -bor ______

1 2
  • pla -ce ______

            1      2
  • A -pril _______

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